Shalommm Hebrews!

Leading a spiritual life can mean many things. It could entail you praying, being present for sabbath with your family, or even the way in which you speak.

The word spirituality or the phrase “I’m spiritual” seems to get lost in the sauce these days of the lukewarm who dabble here and there, don’t have consistency, or just downright refuse to stick to a single path.

Now, I don’t believe in religion, though the word simply means “repeat, or repetition/ritual”. I believe in the Scripture, in the freedom of Yahusha, and the Commandments of Hayah. To be spiritual, to myself and most other Hebrews, means leaning not onto our own understanding, meditating therein upon His Word day and night, trusting Him with all our heart and soul, depending only on the Word for answers, and choosing to be hot or cold because we know He spits out the lukewarm.

But initially in my walk, I struggled a lot. And I don’t just mean when I ‘came into the truth’. I mean when I began to truly humble myself to YAHUSHA. I struggled with understanding that being a royal priesthood was a part of my inheritance, and would require great responsibility. I struggled with accepting that I would have to defend and justify my faith to nonbelievers and those who HATE (AND I DO MEAN HATE) Israelites. I struggled with confronting my own sin in a way that was honest but did not crush my soul.

And to be frank, these are things I still struggle with. I still get anxiety when I go in public with my head covering, in fear of facing backlash after revealing why I cover. I still want to hide when I remember that our inheritance was paid for with blood that should’ve been ours. I still shame myself when others choose to remember my sins even after He says I am forgiven. I still sometimes drown myself in guilt and self-pity after stumbling on elementary things that should’ve been put to death YEARS ago.

But He is GOOD and His Mercy endureth forever! And no matter what, I know He doesn’t change. His wrath is short-lived, and His Mercy endureth forever. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He Is The Great I AM THAT I AM, The Living Being, Ha Yah, YHWH T’sevaoth, Eloah Shadyah. I find refuge in His grace, and start a clean slate each day thanks to His Salvation.

When I begin these new days, it’s hard to feel like a new creature. The enemy wants us Daughters especially to be down and out, because after all, a chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link. However, the inner peace of redemption and re-connection can come through very simple disciplines that can change your walk as a Daughter of Emmanuel.

For me, it were these five:


The word fasting comes from the word fast, which both figuratively and literally means to hold, to grab, to fasten, to fixate, to hold in place, to secure, to lock, to attach and to bond. Whether one says it in the context of abstaining from food or not, the etymology is one that implies that something is being joined, paired, connected, and sealed.

Fasting can rebind, reconnect, hold in place, and reseal your attention on Him. Abstaining from food–or other things like social media, oversleeping, spending, or complaining– allows our minds to refocus on the Greater instead of our fleshly needs.

And if you’ve ever fasted for a prolonged period, then you know that fasting brings us closer through our lamentation. Through our pain, hunger, and suffering we draw near to The One Whose Name is Above All Pain. We hope on Him and see His light in a way that we wouldn’t ever care to explore when we have all the chicken wings we can eat right in our faces.

Fervent Worship

Fervent having or displaying passionate intensity
Worshipto bow down, make obeisance, crouch, lower one’s self in reverence, fear or honor of The Most Supreme Master YHWH

Need I say more? His Goodness is more than good enough.

Don’t get this confused with praise. Praise is like thanksgiving– when you praise someone, you acknowledge deeds, actions, efforts, etc. It is essentially a part of worship. But with Fervent Worship, you simply magnify HaShem (The Name) in spirit and in truth. It is complete and utter humility in His presence, being lost in His Being, not his gifts or actions towards us.

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

Proverbs 3:6

This is moreso a lifestyle discipline than a one-and-done. Since He is everywhere at all times, so must our surrender be. Non-contingent upon anything, fervent worship entails putting The King and His Desires first. In speech, in thought, in deed, in longing, in striving, in focus. In all things.

This drives our hearts back towards Him in everything, from deciding what to wear, to how to respond in the face of cruelty. Worship is remaining aware of His presence, and conducting one’s self like The Creator of All Created Things is seeking out an honest heart.

Related: Praise vs Worship


For where twain or three be gathered in my name, BEHOLD I AM in the middle of them.”

Matthew 18:20

Solemn assembly is long a custom of Hebrews, from the time of Moses and our Egyptian exodus, to High Holy days, and even coming together to heal the sick.

There are so many scriptures on the importance of friendship, brotherhood, communion, fellowship, congregating, and being in the company of wise counsel. Fellowshipping not just to be used, but to experience others being used by HaYah is a discipline that will turn your walk upside down.

When you actively seek out believers and truth-walkers to read, pray, and break bread with, you will find them. He says unto everyone who knocks, it is opened. In the presence of others who are gathered in His name, even if it’s just one other person, The Great I AM is there. Do not suffer, walk, or cry alone. We mourn with those who mourn, and rejoice with those who rejoice. We are a community, a family, a body, one nation under Yahusha. Establishing friends, counselors, mentors, and even your mentees has the capacity to keep you going on even your darkest days.

And keep in mind this includes celebrating the appointed Feast Days and consecrating The Sabbath.


Hehe you know this is my favorite. Yahusha washed feet, healed the blind, and literally sacrificed himself not for righteous people, but sinners.

Take advantage of little, and big ways to serve. Even when you are not thanked, acknowledged, praised, or noticed. Help the old lady with her groceries simply because it’s good to help where you can. Stop on the side of the road even when you’re running late, and donate a few dollars to the poor man because it’s good to be able to share. Pick up that trash you see instead of stepping over it because it’s good to care for places and things where others fall short.

Do good things because they are good. Not for any other reason. Volunteer, assist, become a financial donor (if he’s blessed you in that way), stay longer, converse more, pray for people–right there! Do what you have the capacity to do when you are being called to do it.

He that is greatest among you shall be your servant.”

Matthew 23:11

I’m sure you can think of plenty of situations where you helped and were rewarded immensely, or you failed to help and regretted it beyond measure. Even situations where you helped, and maybe even were dismissed and belittled, never mind thanked or acknowledged. No matter who may be watching, Yahuah can see you at all times, and He is a Giver of Good Gifts.

From 2019 to early 2020, I worked in a non-profit with under-served children, and let me just say, I went in with the expectation that I would be used to change their lives. But they were the ones who changed mine. Being present for them, sharing the Word with them, and praying over their little lives did so much more for me than it did for them, I’m convinced.

Open your heart to servitude. Your service will only enhance you, even especially through sacrifice.


This is vital for a healthy, transparent relationship with The Most High.

I’ve been wronged before, by people I loved. And nothing hurt me more than when they refused to own up to what they did, the damage they caused, and the pain it brought. I was willing to forgive, but they weren’t willing to be honest, admit wrongdoing, or take accountability. That, to me, was unforgiveable.

He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.

Proverbs 28:13

When you trespass against other people, they probably share the same sentiments. Mercy and forgiveness is extended to those who are willing to ask for it, those who know they need it.

Confession saves relationships. Confession heals broken hearts. Confession clears consciences. Confession has the power to release your life from strongholds.

I’ve seen the mother of my former mentor be healed of her inability to be mobile on her own the very same day that she took accountability for all the direct and indirect trauma she brought upon her daughter (my mentor).

Often times in scripture, when people were sick, poor, infertile, without children, or unlucky, they were considered to have had some unconfessed, unatoned for sin. The sickness or curse seemed unrelated to whatever sin they committed, but surely enough it was there.

Maybe you have back pain. Maybe you can’t get pregnant. Maybe no one will eat your chicken spaghetti recipe for whatever reason. The last one seems silly, but even the tiniest rejection and rebuke could be stemming from somewhere deep within that can be unknowingly relative to something wrong we did or said to those we love.

Think of three things you can apologize for. If you are a human being, I know you can think of more, but as a beginning measure, start with these three things and confess to whomever you may have offended. Watch the chains fall instantly.

David was a man with a less than perfect past. And if you are familiar with his story, you know I’m being generous when I use that phrase. But his sincere heart, lamentation, repentance, and confession transformed and renewed his relationship with YHWH into one that The Most High might arguably exalt more than any other, aside from one with The Messiah.

Confessing isn’t about prosperity though. It’s about peace. Peace for you, and peace for those you hurt. Most of all, peace for Yahusha, who died so that whosoever may confess their sins shall be saved. But you cannot save or make amends without looking in the mirror and being honest about what you see to those who are of any importance to you.

Fasting, Fervent Worship, Fellowship, Servitude, and Confession are the top 5 spiritual disciplines that transformed my walk. When I learned to incorporate and implement these into my prayers, execution, outlook, and insights, the door of inner rest and Heavenly Joy opened up in my life.

I am praying you will be taking on at least one of the challenges above. I dare you to repent today 🙂 May His love be finding you, may you be releasing, may you be healing, may you becoming a new creature today and forever more. Ba HaSham HaMashayach Yahusha! Amen.

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  1. Have you ever considered about including a little bit more than just your articles? I mean, what you say is valuable and everything. But think about if you added some great graphics or video clips to give your posts more, “pop”! Your content is excellent but with pics and clips, this site could definitely be one of the most beneficial in its niche. Superb blog!

    1. Shalom, thanks for dropping by 🙂

      Yes! I’ve totally been looking for more ways to maximize my content and give it more color, relatability, and marketability. I appreciate your feedback. if you look at my most recent post ’12 Silent Ways To Blow Your Husband’s Mind (for free)’ you’ll find that more graphics are incorporated.

      I’m glad you brought this post to my attention though. It could totally use more color. Stick around for more Kosher living Insights, Scriptural Homemaking, and Biblical Hebrew 😉

What are your thoughts?

Raabasha Alohalani

I’m a little Israelite woman with a little faith in a big Master. Through cultivating a relationship with The Most High Redeemer of Israel, I’ve overcome suicidal tendencies, body dysmorphia, porn addiction, depression, and the darkness of envy! As a wife and a mommy, it is my earnest desire to share love and open a space for Hebrew, Israelite, and believing women alike who want to help build this City on A Hill. Let's discover His New Mercies each day, and take baby steps towards Shemayim!????